ENGINEERING AROUND THE WORLD 1- ROBOTICS ENGINEERING 2- MECHANICAL Human-robot symbiosis ENGINEERING The future of Designing robots that emu- tients’ individual data with autonomous late the way that people act machine learning algorit- is no easy task. Engineers at hms as a way of fine-tuning vehicles the University of Harvard robot design and impro- are working to improve in- ving the results of specific Autonomous systems are rapidly teractions between humans performance metrics. This becoming a reality, according to and robots. Their approach new procedure is known as an engineer at Stanford University SERGI ALBET focuses on exploring the HILO (human-in-the-loop and expert on autonomous Engineer and potential of combining pa- optimization). The interac- vehicles. To give one example, digital consultant tion between humans and there are self-driving taxis for Col·legiat 14.416 robots is a difficult concept hire in some cities in the United @sergialbet to predict and design, and States. New technologies are can slow down innovations making incredible technical in this field. advances possible. They are revolutionising our ability to train Source: University of vehicles to drive more safely and Harvard to cope with unexpected events as they are driving. Space vehicles are also entering an extraordinary period of development. Some of these, no larger than a shoebox, 3- SYSTEMS ENGINEERING are able to monitor the Earth and help in many of our current Artificial intelligence applications, such as logistics. for greater efficiency Source: Stanford University Engineers at the Massachussets agents to make them more reliable. institute of Technology have AI can be applied in all fields of developed an efficient approach to engineering to help systems take training artificial intelligence (AI) important decisions. Unfortunately, it is not easy to teach an AI system cost of training while also ensuring to take good decisions. This is still a that the learning is more effective and very young technology and there are will maximize the performance of the many inefficiencies that can reduce whole process. its reliability. The central idea is to make the system more efficient by Source: Massachussetts Institute of concentrating on a smaller number Tecnology of interactions. This will lower the .CAT 1. ENGINYERIA ROBÒTICA 2. ENGINYERIA MECÀNICA 3. ENGINYERIA DE SISTEMES HILO (Human In the Loop Un enginyer de la Universitat de L’eficiència en l’entrenament d’agents Optimization) és un nou concepte Stanford, expert en vehicles autònoms, d’intel·ligència artificial (IA) és emprat pels enginyers de la Universitat explica com està d’evolucionat aquest clau perquè siguin més fiables. Uns Harvard que permet optimitzar la sector. Considera que les noves enginyers del MIT han desenvolupat una interacció humà-robot. L’enfocament tecnologies estan ajudant a millorar manera per poder arribar a un sistema es basa a combinar les dades molt en els avenços tècnics. Aquestes eficient. La clau radica a centrar-se en individuals de pacients amb algoritmes millores no tan sols s’observen en els un nombre més petit d’interaccions d’aprenentatge automàtic per ajustar el vehicles terrestres, sinó també en els perquè així el sistema sigui més eficient i disseny robòtic. espacials. l’algoritme pugui aprendre millor. 44 Theknos Gener-febrer 2025 TIM ©dravraH tatisrevinU © drofnatS ed tatisrevinU ©