ENGINEERING AROUND THE WORLD 1- ENERGY ENGINEERING A new battery design for electric vehicles A new kind of lithium me- searchers, these batteries tal battery can be charged could have 10 times more and discharged at least capacity than graphite 6000 times. This new de- versions, making them the sign is the work of engi- holy grail of batteries. neers at the University of Source: University of Harvard and is not just a Harvard SERGI ALBET new way of making solid Engineer and state batteries with a 2- AI ENGINEERING digital consultant lithium metal anode, Col·legiat 14.416 but also provides a bet- Ever more @sergialbet ter understanding of the materials used for realistic these potentially re- humanoids volutionary batteries. According to the re- Engineers at the University of California are using humanoid robots as a way to test artificial intelligence research in the physical world. The researchers say that humanoids which can operate autonomously in a range of habitats would have the potential to work in factories, provide the elderly with home 3- ROBOT ENGINEERING help and even assist in the colonization of new planets. In Bioinspired robots the not-too-distant future thesehumanoids are expected to be A new robot, called M4, can move that can overcome obstacles by capable of doing anything that in 8 different ways and make an turning its wheels into propellors a human can do, and even solve independent assessment of the and flying. The use of this new new problems and think about environment it finds itself in so device would make it possible, for tasks that are as yet unknown. as to choose the most effective example, to take injured people to Source: University of California combination of movements with hospital or to explore other planets. which to manoeuvre. This is a new Source: California Institute of robot designed by engineers at the Technology California Institute of Technology .CAT 1. ENGINYERIA ENERGÈTICA 2. ENGINYERIA IA 3. ENGINYERIA ROBÒTICA Un equip d’enginyers de la Universitat Els humaniodes ja comencen a ser L’M4 és el robot creat per uns enginyers Harvard han desenvolupat el que una realitat... Uns enginyers de de l’Institut Tecnològic de Califòrnia anomenen el sant grial de les bateries. la Universitat de Califòrnia estan amb capacitat d’adaptar els moviments Es tracta d’unes bateries de liti que desenvolupant humanoides que puguin al medi. Aquest dispositiu té el tenen una capacitat deu vegades més fer tasques domèstiques i ajudar a potencial de rodar i també de volar per gran que les bateries de grafit. A més, les fàbriques. Fins i tot volen que tal d’evitar obstacles. Està dissenyat es poden carregar i descarregar unes en un futur no gaire llunyà, puguin tant per transportar persones a 6.000 vegades. desenvolupar tasques com un humà. l’hospital com explorar altres planetes. 44 Theknos Març-abril 2024 CTI ©dravraH tatisrevinU © ainròfilaC ed tatisrevinU ©